Wednesday, November 30, 2005

I'm tired

I was gonna write a bunch of stuff tonight about my trip up to CT, but my legs are not happy and I'm just beat. Tired of all the crap I've gone through this year. In many ways it was a nightmare that I've just woken up from. Only unlike a dream, it really happened and it affected my life very deeply. I'm gonna stretch out on the couch maybe these legs of mine will feel better.
Sara is supposed to write something tonight.

Goth gets real

Goth and Sara goofing

around in the ladies room at the Sturgis Rally. We had them running out of there. Sara is actually a very respected photographer. She's probably the most respectable of us all. She has the pink hair. Goth has.....well......lots of hair. We never know what color it will be next. Purple, white?

Little Goth Cat

She's a little bitch but we love her.

what Crazy Horse does for work

Meanwhile in hell

So here it is, the first entry of what could be one wicked blog. There are four of us. Somehow we are all very busy but this is a story that needs to be told. Little by little, we will get it done. There is me, Crazy Horse. I'm 45 years old. I ride motorcycles and paint them. That in itself doesn't sound very interesting but drama seems to follow me where ever I go. Each night or whenever, I'll write something down and post it. Gee this post just keeps the reader on the edge. But believe me, it's a wild ride. Quick rundown from last week, my brother was going to burn down his house, his wife was gonna get a restraining order, my godfather died, I brought my bets friend's 3 daughters to say good bye to him, it snowed and we had a snowball fight, a motel room got trashed, there was the big funeral with people and more drama, hearts were broke, bonds were made and my idiot ex boyfriend did more stupid things.