Monday, January 16, 2006

Winter, Sminter!

Yeah winter down season. Sure. Ya'll just wrapped up in your blankets dreaming about summer riding. For us bike painters and builders, it's almost summer! Most customizer's chedules are booked through March, so the way were thinking, it's May already. Yeah, I'm dreaming of summer too. It's been in the 70s and 60s here in southern NC, bikes rolling by my place. And the cobwebs continue to form on the two bikes in my shop. God, 20 years ago, I couldn't even dream of having the two bikes I have now. Of course if I made wiser desisions in the romance arena......
To hold some of you over until summer, here's some more pics.
Fuckhead Blake update! No Lindsey did not go over to his house to slap his face. She decided it wasn't worth the effort. Of course us ADULTS (I use the words loosely) tried to tell her this before, but like any young adult she had to find this out for herself. Punk Blake has his own problems as his parents are about to cut him off from his limitless funds.
In other Putz news, the putz are still out there, living among us. So enjoy the winter and hope you don't run into any of them.
Enjoy the pictures! More soon. Maybe I'll dip into the Crazy Horse wine cellar and get creative on the keyboard some night and post some silly stuff. Right now my mind is too into work mode, which should make my customers happy.


Blogger Cornbread said...

You dip into that wine cellar and come right back out here. I shure have missed yer posts and have been cheking almost everyday. I know it's busy for ya this time of year. Just be shure to give Crazy horse a break now and then O.K.?

6:15 PM  

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