Valentine's Day
This business can be hard on relationships. So this Valentine's Day I made sure my hubby knew I was thinking of him. He came home to find a little goodie bag of stuff on his work bench. Nothing fancy, some snacks, a wash mitt for his truck, mini mag lights, stuff like that. Oh and a nice card.
He brought me candy and roses. I've spent so much time concentrating on work and survival for so long. It's nice to finally work back into my marriage again, appriciate everyday with him.
Anyhow all the Femme Fatales are busy working, surviving. Summer will be here soon and I want to be out riding, spending time with my godsons, yelling at my brother while he messes stuff up.
Besides the Olympics are on. For a ski bunny like me, there are only one Olympic games, the Winter games.
Ok back to work.