Happy New Year!
Happy New Year everyone! Here's to good health, safe riding (lots if it!), lots less stress (& may our bi-polar friends find some balance). May all evil computer hackers have their little fingers flayed - so every time they go to hurt someone who is NOT hurting anyone else AT ALL (and maybe even doing some good in the world...!) , they will think again and go after someone evil... or themselves... or no one at all! Here's to wind in your hair, sore smile muscles, and lots of true and honest family & friends to spend life with! May your magnetos never lose their charge, your loved ones stay safe, and as Jay Allen (Broken Spoke Saloon) says. "Keep the shiny side up!" (or sideways) - depending!
May our animals live long and healthy lives. For those poor creatures who are homeless or neglected or abused (no matter the reason), may they get a chance to live also... without the pain of hunger, or lack of love they so desperately need. Please help: click here every day to feed 6 animals for free - and tell your friends! It costs you absolutely nothing - 'cept a moment of your time to go & click every day. If there is not enough food donated for all the animals who are in need... well, you know... it's a bad thing..... Please help... Thanks to Rebecca Jackson for the info! Website link is below:
I am hoping that the Motorcycle Femmes Fatales will live up to their goals - doing good stuff for lots of others while adding more positive experiences to their showcase of talents; showing that we all can multitask creatively- and it isn't a BAD thing! Music, art, and motorcycles DO go together - like life and the world... it is what you make it! ...and we make it lots!
For those of you who are not familiar with the first of these women in our group (there are more women involved with whom you will meet as we continue on), they are:
GOTHGIRL- (from San Francisco and Discovery Channel fame) with her music, both popular and her original pieces (which will bring tears to your eyes as they touch your heart), her artistic creativity, shininess, extra quick wit and mischievious sense of humor that the world needs way more of! GOTHGIRL also has her cat, who shares her sensibilities...!) Sara Liberte -artiste extraordinaire, with her creative take on photos she's fused with the machines her subjects love the best - her works are very intense and personal. Along with her artwork and bike designing and building (which she has written a book about), she and her best friend & partner Ron put out some of the most original and finest work from their small shop in Pa. There have been many great articles on Sara and her work in the industry's publications. She & Ron also have 3 energetic(!) ferret guys to keep her busy and fill her life with their ferret-love! Joann Bortles (Crazyhorse) is a motorcycle artist who has taken the technique of painting fire to new heights in her career projects. She has won many awards for her paintjobs and bikes, as have her clients, and she shares her knowledge in the books she writes on doing these techniques yourself. Lots more to come from Joann! Last for now, is S.Morgan Storm, who just wants to ride the Wall (and jump out of airplanes and race vintage bikes (Thanks, Jay A.!). If necessary, she swings a hammer for a living in the off season, but her artwork is her primary business when not performing in the Motor Drome. All her designs are original & everything is custom work -fine art, pen & inks, murals, faux finishing, glass etching, stained glass, etc. Morgan also plays guitar... & is attempting to learn violin & keyboard (& her 2 dogs don't leave as fast as they used to when the fiddle came out!).
The Femmes Fatales site is presentlyunder construction... here's our first cartoon(up top) - thanks to Thunder from Cycle Source Magazine(see below blog). Thanks Thunder and Chris and Ron and Jay and Rodent and Ice and Marjorie and so many more of our friends who have had only positive input for us lately! Everyone have a Safe & Happy! I will have a happy as soon as the top end of Lily is done (arghhh!)
-S.Morgan Storm